Wednesday, June 5, 2013


After much procrastination, I am excited to finally post my first entry in to my blog concerning my journey with unexplained infertility. I am new to blogging but am hoping that my posts will both help me continue to cope with my diagnosis and also be a place for people with infertility (especially unexplained) to share ideas and experiences.

Here's my story in a nutshell so far:
My husband, Travis, and I got married two years ago (May 2011). We had been together for six years at the time so we decided to go ahead and start trying to have a baby right after the wedding, June 2011. I remember feeling nervous on our honeymoon that we would conceive right away and thinking that within the next six months our lives would be changed forever. Ha!

Travis and I played the whole "we're not trying, but we're not not trying" game for a solid year when asked when we were planning on starting a family. We got a lot of "you're next's" from friends with babies. I would say I started getting anxious right about six months in, but tried to play the cool, calm wife that was just going to go with the flow and whatever happens, happens. Anyone who knows me, knows that this would NEVER and did not work out!

We decided to start the series of infertility testing recommended by my ob-gyn and I began to use fertility tests to track my ovulation. It took us a long time to complete the series because, honestly, we were really lazy when it came to scheduling appointments. Plus, there was the element of fear. One by one, each test came back normal. At about one and a half years of trying we were told that there was absolutely nothing wrong with either of us. We were pictures of perfect health: strong sperm count, perfect anatomy, 28 day cycle with a day 16 ovulation (like clockwork), good progesterone levels, healthy weight, limited health conditions/family history of fertility issues.

It may not make sense to others, but when my ob-gyn said the phrase "unexplained infertility" it was like a punch to the face (or maybe ovaries!). I wanted there to be something wrong, because then there was something that could be fixed. 
How do you fix something that isn't broken but still isn't working?! 
The OCD, A-type personality in me could not accept this.

Sooo, this released the crazy I had been bottling for the past year. I'll go in to more detail in future posts, but to date we have tried scheduled sex, high end fertility monitors, clomid and my latest endeavor, acupuncture. IUI is on the horizon for next month and we have an appointment with a fertility specialist July 2nd.

The idea for this blog came along after a particularly hard month. I had just started clomid and thought I was pregnant (when in fact, clomid makes you feel pregnant, isn't that awesome!). I was so disappointed and also...crazy (which I will also blame on the clomid). I read a number of blogs to try and understand what had happened, and while they were helpful, it seemed like everyone had an issue/diagnosis to explain their infertility and so it was still hard to relate. Where were the normal, healthy 28 year olds with fertility issues? Also, I'm a girly-girl, but the "baby-dust" and anagrams for EVERYTHING just got on my nerves (one exception: DTD - doing the deed, that one is just funny)!

So, here it is, a blog to try to wrap my mind around the unexplainable. I look forward to sharing my stories and experiences and hope to hear from others as well!

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