Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Cost of Infertility

This post is mostly going to comprise of a bunch of numbers, but I think it is really important to highlight the financial strain that goes in to infertility on top of all of the emotions. I think it is common knowledge that IVF is crazy expensive and usually used as a last resort. But what about all of the tests, doctors and procedures leading up to it? I am going to highlight just the cost of the month of services surrounding our successful IUI.

I am lucky to have a job that pays a lot of money AND insurance that covers infertility services. I did, however, have to pay a $1500 deductible for the year. The benefit to submitting to my insurance, even though I was still having to pay "full-cost", is that insurance companies have contracted discounted rates and therefore the doc's office or lab cannot charge you more than that rate.

I also had set aside a part of each paycheck (about $48 per paycheck) in to a HSA (health savings account). I don't think it is always worth it to do this, but we knew we would be spending a lot of money this year either trying to get pregnant or being pregnant (or both!). The money set aside basically covers most of my $1500 deductible, so I just have to pay my bills up front, then submit my receipts to my insurance and they cut me a check back for the amount. The major benefit to doing it this way, versus traditional saving, is that the money is taken out pre-tax, so on my taxes I will not get taxed for the $1,248 I put aside for my health care costs.

Below is the list of tests followed by price and amount I was asked to pay for everything involved from my initial visit with Dr. Pasquarette through my pregnancy confirmation test.

                                                                                        Cash Price           I Paid
July 2nd: New patient office visit                                                $185.00                  $85.41
July 2nd: Transvaginal ultrasound (check ovaries/uterus)        $334.00                  $189.05
July 8th: Cystic Fibrosis Titer                                                     $612.50                 $1225**
July 8th: Progesterone Level                                                      $99.00                    $12.97
July 8th: HCG Quantitive Level (pregnancy hormone)              $39.00                    $5.44
July 8th: Rubella Titer                                                                 $87.00                   $17.87
July 8th: Varicella/Zoster Screen                                               $188.00                 $32.06
July 8th: Antibody Screen Reflex                                               $175.00                 $10.01
July 8th: ABO Blood Type                                                          $49.00                   $3.71
July 8th: RH Type                                                                       $35.00                   $4.85
July 12th: 5 days of Femara (prescription)                                $43.83                   $5.00
July 19th: Transvaginal ultrasound (check egg maturity)         $253.00                 $112.68
July 19th: Ovidrel Injection (prescription)                                   $79.50                   $30.00
July 22nd: Sperm Wash                                                             $345.00                 $215.15
July 22nd: IUI                                                                             $300.00                 $129.19
August 12th: Progesterone + HCG Quant (confirm pregnancy) $138.00                 $18.41
August 14th: Progesterone + HCG Quant (recheck levels)        $138.00                 $18.41

Grand Total:                                                                               $3100.83              $890.21

The grand total numbers for cash price may be inflated because all of the lab tests have increased rates that they send to the insurance company. I know this because the cystic fibrosis titer came back rejected from my insurance pending more information. I did not include this amount in my total because I have not paid it yet as I am working/fighting to get this paid through insurance. When talking to the lab they offered me a 50% discount off the price they charged my insurance ($1225.00) which sent me in to fits of rage. What kind of highway robbery is that, I wouldn't want to pay as an insurance company either!! So, assuming all of the labs are inflated by 50%, you could expect the cash price to be closer to $2626.83. Also, a lot of the July 8th blood work is not done until confirmed pregnancy or from a prior pregnancy so not everyone will have as many lab costs.

Moral of the story is, infertility is expensive as shit. I think it is good to understand the financial strains that your friends/co-workers/family might be going through and also to see what the costs are if considering trying more advanced treatments. Of course all of these numbers pay off in the end when you get those two lines on the pregnancy test!

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